O projektu za zdravje mladih / about the project

V okviru projekta pripravljamo strokovne podlage o stanju na področju zdravja med otroci in mladostniki, izvajamo kakovostna usposabljanja za mladinske delavce in voditelje, kjer nameravamo usposobiti 160 promotorjev zdravja. Vpeljujemo programe promocije zdravja med več kot 2500 vključenimi mladimi in njihovimi starši. S programom pripravljamo različna izobraževalna orodja, ki bodo po koncu projekta omogočala nadgradnjo in nadaljevanje dela na tem področju. Usposobljeni mladinski voditelji in delavci ter drugi zainteresirani mladi bodo prejeli naziv »promotor zdravja«, organizacije, ki pa bodo vpeljale programe zdravja in ustvarile zdravo okolje za mlade pa naziv »zdrava organizacija«. 

Več o projektu lahko izveste na spletni strani Za zdravje mladih.


Project "For Youth Health" answers the need for development of evidence based prevention initiatives in the growing Slovenian youth sector.

Within the project we are analizing the state of play on health of children and adolescents, we conduct quality training for youth workers and leaders and we intend to train at least 160 experts on the project topics. We plan to introduce health promotion programs in the youth sector among more than 2500 involved youth and their parents (including children, adolescents, youth workers/ leaders and young parents). The program prepares educational tools that will allow upgraded and continued work on this area after the project end. Qualified professionals will receive the title of a "health promoter" and organizations that will implement evidence-based health programs in order to provide a healthier environment for young people will receive a title "healthy organization".

The youth sector will therefore be empowered to start working in line with universal, selective and indicative prevention standards and understand the impact that (quality) youth work has on young people's health.