Slovenian catholic Girl Guides and Boy Scouts Association is an independent, voluntary, youth, educational and open Slovenian scout and guide association which was established in 1990 taking into account pre-Second World War Slovenian scouting and was built up on experience and values from other scout and guide associations. We are especially thankful for the help offered by AGESCI (Associazione Guide e Scout Cattolici Italiani) who helped us at establishing the concept of our activity (structure, education, programme).
We operate for 32 years now and we are one of the most active non-governmental youth organizations in Slovenia. We have about 5600 members, aged 6-30 years (of which 1000 volunteers - youth workers or leaders). Our headquarters is in capital city Ljubljana, and there are 67 local units spread across all country.
ZSKSS is a member of WAGGGS (World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts).
The primary purpose of the Association is to contribute to the full physical, mental, spiritual and social development of young people so that they can become people of strong character, responsible citizens and members of local, national and international communities. We have the status of an association of public interest in the field of education and the status of a national youth organization.
We realize our mission through the following activities:
In addition to volunteers, the organization has career staff. Our offices in Ljubljana are in a long-term lease and we have another long-term lease at the Slovenia Forest Service for an Environmental Scout Centre in Kočevski rog.
The advantage of our organization is definitely a strong network in local communities and thus a large range of target groups, and at the same time a great support base of volunteers across Slovenia.